👋 Hello, My Name is

Amiya Chowdhury

I'm a


Blockchain Developer with over 2 years of expertise in Solidity and smart contract development. Specialized in Defi, NFTs, and NFT Marketplaces on Ethereum and Blockchain. Skilled in using Hardhat and Truffle for decentralized app development. Proficient in compiling, testing, and deploying smart contracts on both testnet and mainnet. Knowledgeable in Defi protocols such as Staking, Vesting, Uniswap, Pancake Swap, Yield farms, Syrup Pools, Lottery Systems, DAOS, and Dex. Familiar with ERC20, ERC721, EIP 712, and ERC1155 standards. Experienced in advanced blockchain concepts, including Chainlink Keepers, Relayers, upgradable contracts, Deflationary tokens, Reflection tokens, and IDO. Proficient in using Ethereum wallets like Mist and Metamask for Ether storage, acceptance, and transactions. Always staying updated on the latest trends and innovations in the blockchain space.











Vs Code




OverStock Beautygem allows businesses to have clients book appointments from Facebook, Instagram, Google, and their website with a “Book Now” button. It also gives customers the ability to reschedule, cancel, and rebook appointments online so they don't need to make a call.26 /p>

Features : Login/Logout, SignUp, MongoDB Atlas ,Different Routers for admin and Users

Tech Stack :

MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap

Track IT App

OverStock : TrackIt is the perfect solution for individuals and teams who need to monitor their time and manage their projects efficiently..

Features : TrackIt is a user-friendly time tracker and timesheet application. The app is designed to help users keep track of their work hours efficiently and effectively, ensuring that they can stay on top of their schedules and maximize productivity..

Tech Stack :

MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap

AppleTv Inspired Clone

OverStock : Apple TV+ is a streaming service from Apple. It features exclusive Apple Original shows and movies from some of the industry's top talent.

Features : Apple TV app. Watch, rent or buy your favourite shows and movies all in one expertly curated app. ..Login/Logout, SignUp. Admin and user controllers . Real-time passenger information..

Tech Stack :

Bootstrap,API, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

DeskTime Clone

OverStock : Expedia DeskTime is a desktop and mobile time tracking app for companies and freelancers. It makes it easy to measure productivity, boost performance, track attendance, and effectively manage workflow.

Features : A time tracker with additional workforce management, Landing page, Sign up and Login Page. Support and About page features and functionalities.

Tech Stack :

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Github Stats

Github Calendar

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Amiya Chowdhury